Tuesday 3 December 2013

What happens when a person's dyslexia goes unidentified and he does not receive any remedial help?
To answer this question we need to understand a little about their information processing system.
 The brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left brain and the right brain.
The left brain processes information logically and sequentially. It pays attention to sequence, symbols, spellings, grammar, arithmetic etc.  
The right brain is more random, intuitive,imaginative,big picture and creative.
The information processing in a person with dyslexia is quite interesting. Different parts of the brain get fired at different times,
This is why their performance is so unpredictable.
Most dyslexics are also right brain dominant. This means that they are processing information visually and at random.This is the reason why they can be extremely creative and think originally. However, the flip side is that they can also develop severe anxiety and they tend to catastrophize any challenging situation. They imagine the worst, given their repeated experience of failure. So they are highly prone to psycho-somatic illnesses such as stomach disorders, frequent colds, depression, headaches etc.
During adulthood they may face problems with
 time management,[either they are too slow or too busy but unable to complete any task from start to finish]
management of finances
managing relationships
making long term plans
self worth issues etc.
Added to this nearly half of them have attention problems and this leads to impulsive, hyperactive behaviour.They do not pause to think about the consequences of their actions, or the way in which they talk and pass comments without thinking.
These are some the critical left brain functions which have to be taught deliberately in order to help them cope with the demands of a logical, structured world.
Many adult dyslexics, find themselves in difficult situations and seek  help from counsellors.
As the therapy sessions progress they get to discover problems which began from school days and come to terms with the fact that they could be dyslexics.

1 comment:

  1. So true Sudha. A course in SLD is not just about learning difficulty. But a personality development course. We get to know about ourselves more. Your statement about 'coping with the structured world' I feel a dyslexic person should also retain some of himself to be more natural and raw in this totally refined world. Gives more depth and creativity to life.. Adds more colour.
